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Varicose veins are prominent veins. If varicose veins are not treated, they may cause pain, inflammation, And even life-threatening blood clots.
Why is it formed and how is varicose veins treated?
Varicose veins are veins in the legs – enlarged and prominent, with a diameter of 3 mm and above, blue or purple in color. The veins in the legs look like cords, when in fact they are branches of an internal vein in which the valves are not healthy and blood flows in reverse: Instead of pumping blood to the heart, The damaged vein carries blood toward the palm of the foot. This condition is called venous insufficiency. Its cause is often hereditary, along with other factors that contribute to its formation, Such as frequent pregnancy and standing for long periods.

varicose veins, Or by its more common name – the veins in the legs – is a very common phenomenon in men and women all over the world. More than – 50% of women over the age of 40 and up to – 20% of men suffer from varicose veins of various degrees. Interestingly, women suffer from varicose veins 3 times more than men. Naturally, Women suffer greatly from the aesthetic side of the problem. legs, who were beautiful and soft in the past, Now their shape has completely changed. The skin has turned blue-purple and the veins are prominent, like ropes.

Sometimes ulcers also appear, inflammation or congestion, Which is also harmful to the appearance of the legs. It benefits women who suffer from varicose veins, which leads to a significant loss of self-confidence. As some people underestimate their bodies, They abandon short skirts and dresses and only wear long pants.
traditional varicose veins treatment
The well-known and oldest treatment for varicose veins is varicose vein surgery (STRIPPING), which has been used in medicine for about 100 years. during surgery, The doctor removes the patient’s main vein. The operation begins in the groin area and through small incisions along the leg, The surgeon also removes secondary varicose veins. The operation is performed in the hospital under general or local anesthesia.

It turns out that this process has several disadvantages: Less than 50% pass it successfully and the remaining 50%, The veins and pain return within a few years. The recovery period from surgery lasts a long time, and many scars remain, which damage the appearance of the leg.

Sometimes complications associated with anesthesia and surgery occur, Such as: infections and damage to sensory nerves, This leads to chronic pain. in addition to, Not everyone can undergo surgery. People of advanced age and people with various diseases, such as heart disease and obesity, They cannot undergo this surgery.
modern varicose veins treatment
It is important to know that varicose veins can be treated more effectively by simple surgical methods, The most important is the ultrasound-guided injection method directly into the internal vein that is the source of the problem. The experience of the treating physician is extremely important to the success of this type of treatment.

Laser or radio wave therapy – an optical fiber that emits laser energy is inserted into the patient’s vein, or an electric wire that transmits thermal energy, that burns and shuts it, Where it fades and is absorbed. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia. It does not require hospitalization and allows for an immediate return to normal functioning. Its big negative is that it treats only a section of the veins. to hide the rest additional treatments are required, Such as surgery, or sclerotherapy. Also this treatment is not suitable for many patients with twisted veins, which do not allow movement of the fiber or wire.

Ultrasound-guided varicose veins treatment – a modern treatment that gives impressive results. It is considered an effective and safe treatment to a large extent and is used to treat all veins and capillaries.

for internal veins, that is the source of the problem, A substance in the form of a foam is injected, ultrasound guidance, Which leads to contraction of the vein and absorption into the body. The treatment is carried out in the clinic, without the need for anesthesia, without surgery, And without any scars.

Usually 2-4 treatments are enough, Immediately after that, you can return to normal life. after varicose veins treatment, The pressure on the veins is reduced and blood flows only through the veins with healthy valves. People treated in this way reported a significant reduction in pain. Since the first varicose treatment. Then the veins disappear and the pain disappears.

before and after:
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