rhinoplasty surgery
rhinoplasty surgery
Brief summary :-
Rhinoplasty is surgical and non-surgical through filler, but the most appropriate is determined after a medical examination based on many medical criteria, including the size of the nasal bone, the thickness of the skin, the size of the nasal cartilage, the size of the nasal opening, and if there is a problem in breathing.
There are many facts about rhinoplasty operations that must be known before starting the operation, because the nose is one of the prominent and very important organs of the human face, and the nose embodies the external extension of the upper respiratory system, in addition to its prominent role in filtering the wind inhaled through the hairs present in the nose Moisturizing it through the mucous glands, and in the process of smelling, due to the presence of olfactory cells in the roof of the nose, which helps us to distinguish between various smells because it stimulates the stomach to secrete certain enzymes when smelling the delicious smell of food.
Among the other benefits and advantages of the nose is a pathway to drain the secretions of the cerebral glands and the external nasal sinuses: – Rhinoplasty plastic surgeries are a widespread phenomenon around people, because they are among the world-familiar procedures and increase very significantly and noticeably to increase the well-being of life and the desire for the appearance of an appropriate, harmonious appearance of the face.
Rhinoplasty plastic surgeries: – Rhinoplasty:
Just as rhinoplasty has become the obsession among people, especially females, smaller than men, it has lost its external appearance. Safer and easier, and we must believe that any procedure for developing the appearance of the nose is only completed by structuring any cartilage and bone, and a large number of facts and concepts become clear to us. Such as :-
How is rhinoplasty performed?
Rhinoplasty plastic surgeries are performed under general anesthesia, and the duration ranges from one to two hours. There are two ways to end the application of rhinoplasty through these methods , and they are:
- The first method and method: The internal and often used in simple or medium cases, where an internal incision is made between the upper lower nasal cartilages without any external wounds.
- As for the second method: It is the external one, and it is used in cases of severe deformities, or a clear deviation, and is carried out through a surgical incision to separate the skin from the inner tissues of the nose, and often this method leaves a small scar for the patient, but it is not noticed.
What is required for this category of successful rhinoplasty operations?
This category of procedures requires that the plastic surgeon who is experienced in plastic nose cosmetic surgeries and who has a large and skilled experience should be carried out.
Can rhinoplasty without surgery?
Rhinoplasty can be done without surgery in very limited cases, such as slight convexity and simple instability of the back of the nose, and the nose can be developed and reshaped by filler or Botox and at the hands of a highly experienced and skilled plastic surgeon.
Is rhinoplasty without surgery risks or completely free of risks?
If this type of injection is administered by doctors who are not specialized in that field and do not have extensive experience, it may be dangerous and even disastrous, but if the doctor is a specialist in that field and has a large number of experience, the operation will work, but that did not last all the time. Because the filler and Botox will be removed within a year from the date of the operation, so it is necessary to renew until now a year from the operation.
Do the tools to improve the external appearance of the nose, such as the means of pinching the nose or tightening the nose with threads, which embody one of the methods of rhinoplasty without surgery, work? No, all of these media are not what is published and circulated for commercial advertisement and did not obtain the correct scientific evidence and do not give the required result as it is published and announced commercially.
Is it actually plastic surgery of the nose with laser?
There is no surgery or no surgery with that name and the use of lasers only to tighten the skin for cases of removing wrinkles on the nose.
Is there swelling so far plastic surgeries of the nose?
Yes, swelling and bangs are the normal thing that will arise after the operation, but soon the concealment is removed after two weeks of plastic nose surgery.
What are the complications and side effects of plastic nose surgery? Rhinoplasty plastic surgeries: Rhinoplasty surgeries:
- After rhinoplasty, this will result in a nosebleed for the patient, but it will be simple and urgent and will not disappear within 24 hours.
- The patient will get swelling and puffiness around the eye and usually completes hiding these symptoms within days.
- After the operation, the patient will notice temporary nasal obstruction due to tissue swelling.
- Minor scars persist with the patient for months after rhinoplasty.
- It is necessary to make iced tea compresses until now, to remove the splint, in order to help the patient’s wound heal.
Rhinoplasty plastic surgery treatment:-
Many women and men search for an ideal treatment for the problem of reducing the nose they have without performing surgical activities, due to the inconsistency of the nose with the rest of the face shape. One of the advantages of coincidence is that it has invented a method and method that is very recent in cosmetic medicine that can help in solving this problem without returning to the conduct of plastic surgery, cosmetic nose surgery, which is a method and how to inject with fillers or Botox. People are afraid of reducing the nose with fillers Why ? As a result, she hears a large amount of rumours, which are: The filler is absorbed through the body and causes harm to it, but this is not true at all, because the filler used in non-surgical nose reduction is made of 100% natural materials found within the human body, and this means that it has no harm in using it by injection to reduce the nose without surgery.
Rhinoplasty with filler injections for the nose:-
As the filler helps to upgrade the nasal bridge for the patient who has a depression in the nasal arch, which gives a beautiful and attractive appearance to the nose, and the filler continues for a period of a year and then we need to re-inject it again. The filler helps to fill the spaces inside the nose and the excess cavity of the nose, which is manifested in the reduction of the nose.
Rhinoplasty with Botox injections in the nose:
As for Botox, it helps to reduce muscle activity, which causes it to relax and stop it from reducing the peak, which leads to a slight rise in the top of the nose without surgery by injecting a small number of Botox. The muscle that pulls the top of the nose down, which leads to the muscle relaxing and stopping, all of that helps a modest increase in the top of the nose without surgery by injecting a very small volume of Botox, so most likely Botox injections work on both sides of the nose because it works to relax the muscles that cause the nostrils to continue to extend Especially during the sermon or laughter, which is the reason for the relatively small amount of the nose tip without surgery.
- What are the most important benefits of rhinoplasty without surgery?
He finishes reducing the nose without surgery, so he does not need general anesthesia and continue in the hospital for a long period of time. - The patient does not need to enter a recovery period after the nose reduction injection, but he will quickly return to normal life.
- The nose reduction procedure is completed within only ten minutes and without pain, so the patient did not feel any pain at the time of the injection.
- Simple nasal modifications can be done by injection without performing a surgical operation for the patient at the time of nose reduction by injection, and adjusting it will cancel the patient’s participation in inhabiting the developments through a mirror, as the doctor will ask him if the update is appropriate or not and increase or stop when the stage is reached for the adjustments during the time of the injection for the patient.
- The complete opposite of surgical procedures in which the patient lacks general anesthesia and does not see any results until now the operation is completed.
How is the nose reduced by injection?
First, he completes and puts local anesthesia for 1/2 hour to an hour, to some extent, after which the patient does not feel any pain, and a mirror is given to the patient to share the doctor in the updates to reach the appropriate shape of the nose, then Botox and fillers are injected according to each circumstance. incident to obtain the desired correction.
Is the reduction of the nose by injection always continues?
No. Nose reduction and updates with fillers and Botox lasts from six months to about a year.
Do injections to reduce the nose cause side effects?
Yes, as the patient will still have the appearance of temporary redness and swelling of the area, which will disappear within a few days.
Can the injection solve problems other than reducing the nose, such as internal blockages and difficulty breathing?
No, the injection is not possible to solve the problem of internal blockages and difficulty breathing in the nose, but the injection only supports the modernization and upgrading of the external appearance of the nose.
rhinoplasty rhinoplasty:-
Hence, injections with Vir and Botox helped to upgrade the external appearance of the nose without entering surgical nose surgery and reduction, which helped facilitate the conduct of this category of simple non-surgical operations in the increase of success and continuous spread as a result of the ease and speed of this type of filler and Botox injections for women and men.

Nose reduction surgery:-
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of improvement surgeries and has the highest percentage of cosmetic surgeries. As the nose is the most visible part of the face to the eye, and thus leaves an impact on the external appearance of the nose and its appearance on the external style of the face. Therefore, we find that most of the patients who go to rhinoplasty clinics are women, and often after performing a rhinoplasty, a surprise arises for the patient or the patient as a result of that they cannot quickly get used to the the new look of the nose, Therefore, someone who has been accustomed to the external appearance of his nose for many years may feel some relative anxiety and tension after the new appearance of the nose.
Method and how to perform rhinoplasty surgery?
The world’s top rhinoplasty surgeons perform plastic surgery with a tiny hole that doesn’t leave a trace while the butt, And often the time period for performing the operation is within ninety minutes, after which the patient is discharged from the hospital after the stay for about 24 hours under observation. And the following results of the operation, The doctor was able to fully control the appearance required to be reached, with technological advances in improvement surgeries, a huge development in the machines that deal with the bones accurately, For example, when the bones of the nose protrude upwards, or when the desire to reduce the bones of the nose, Doctors are now using precise and extremely accurate electrical machines and are not based on manual evaluation only, as was the case before.
What is after the operation – and are there complications after performing rhinoplasty?
There may be minor complications that can occur in the wake of rhinoplasty, Despite the surgeon’s skill and experience, there are still possibilities that a few complications may arise that affect the patient directly and may not be expected before , such as:
- Few patients may lose their sense of smell temporarily for a period of time following this surgery
- This may result in some swelling due to the surgery, but it usually goes away within a week at most. A limited number of cases may require a longer time, sometimes up to a year, and sometimes more than this.
- One who undergoes a rhinoplasty may experience dark circles around the eyes until now, the surgery. and recovering, Other times, small red spots may appear on and around the nose due to the rupture of some small blood vessels during the surgery. These spots disappear after a while, but in rare cases, they may not disappear and remain inherent to the patient.
- A limited number of negative effects may occur on the nasal profession and the breathing process itself. After the wound tissue recovers, the patient may face the formation of a small sound accompanying the breathing process, and therefore it can negatively affect the patient as he will turn into a source of nuisance.
- In nose surgery from the inside, a few scars may appear, but they are very minor, However, if the technology used in rhinoplasty is open, or if there is a need to make a severe narrowing of the nostril in that circumstance, there are visible scars on the nose for many months, unless they disappear with the passage of time.
- The complete recovery period and the final results may take about a year after the operation, The swelling in the nose area subsides within a few months, But if the patient feels the need to perform a revision surgery, here we find that it is very important to choose a skilled surgeon with a high degree and technical standard to perform the revision process because carrying out the corrective operation is more difficult than the first operation due to the presence of scars and the scarcity of tissues present at the site of the operation This is the result of the previous process.
Are there moral effects and the occurrence of depression:
Some people may experience depression until now, having undergone plastic surgery or rhinoplasty, Because one or the patient is not accustomed to the appearance of the new nose, and this has been scientifically explained so far, a lot of research has been done that damage to the sensitive nerve receptors in the nasal cavity may lead to a modest feeling that the nose does not accept the new shape and is inconsistent with the face, There is also another problem that we cannot know whether the depression is the result of dissatisfaction with the operation in a direct way, or it is the result of discomfort, Or nervousness due to a limited number of bruises and swelling in the nose and the surrounding part after the operation. The terrible development in the technology used has helped the surgeon to give the patient a complete picture of the appearance of his nose after the operation, using 3D simulation programs to show the image of the nose before and after the operation, So that this does not produce a surprise from the shape of the nose after the operation, and the patient will be psychologically accepting of the new style and avoid surprises from the new appearance after the operation. Rhinoplasty is a surgery to transform the style of the nose, and the argument behind doing rhinoplasty may be to transform the appearance of the nostril, or better breathing, or both, and the bones form the upper part of the nasal structure, As for the cartilage, it forms the lower part of it, and rhinoplasty can change the bones, or cartilage, or skin, or all and talk to your surgeon about whether rhinoplasty is right for you, and what it can achieve and when the strategy to do a noreplasty, Your surgeon will consider your other facial features, and the skin on your nose, And what would you like to change. If you are a candidate for surgery, Your surgeon will develop a customized measure for you.
Why is this behavior crossed out:-
Rhinoplasty can change the rate, style, and proportions of the nostrils and may be performed to repair deformities resulting from trauma, to correct a birth defect, or to correct some breathing difficulties.
How to prepare for the procedure:-
Before deciding the timing of the fracturing of the nose, you should meet with your surgeon to discuss the important reasons that determine whether the surgery will be successful for you.
This general interview includes:
- Your medical history.
- The most important question your doctor will ask you is about your motivation for surgery and your goals.
- Your doctor will also ask about your medical history, including history of stuffy nose, surgeries, and any medications you’re taking.
- If you have a bleeding disorder such as haemophilia, you are not eligible for arotoplasty.
Physical analysis. - Your doctor will do a thorough physical exam, including any lab exams such as blood tests.
- He or she will also check the morphology of your face and the inside and outside of your nose.
- A physical analysis helps your doctor determine what changes you need to make and how physical features such as the thickness of your skin or the strength of the cartilage on the top of your nose will affect your results.
- The physical analysis is also conclusive in determining the effect of rhinoplasty on your breathing.
- Pictures :- One of your doctor’s office will take pictures of your nose from various angles.
- Your surgeon may use a computer program to straighten the images to show you the expected results.
- Your doctor will use these images for before-and-after assessment and as a reference throughout surgery and for long-term reviews.
- The most important thing is that the pictures allow you to have a specific discussion of the goals of the surgery.
- Arguing your expectations: You and your doctor should talk about your motivations and expectations.
- He or she will explain what rhinoplasty can and cannot do for you and what the results can be above it.
- It’s normal to feel a little low in self-confidence during an argument about your appearance, but it’s very important to be open with your surgeon about your desires and goals for surgery.
- If you have a thin beard, your doctor may talk to you about the procedure for chin augmentation surgery.
- This is because the small stubble will create the illusion that your nose is huge.
- Chin surgery is not required in these circumstances, but it may improve the balance of your facial appearance.
- Once the date of the surgery is scheduled, you will have to have a person accompany you home if you are going to perform the operation as an outpatient.
- The first few days so far Anesthesia You may have memory lapses, slow response time and confused judgment so arrange for a family member or friend to be with you for a night or two to help with personal care errands while you recover from surgery.
- Diet and drugs: Avoid drugs that contain aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, etc.) for a period of two weeks before and after surgery.
- These drugs may increase bleeding.
- Only take medicines that the surgeon approves of or prescribes for you.
- Also avoid taking herbal medicines and over-the-counter supplements.
- if you smoke, Stop smoking Smoking cigarettes slows the healing process after surgery and may make you more susceptible to infections.
What you can expect:-
Nose augmentation does not include an orderly series of steps, each surgery is unique in its kind and detailed according to the professional anatomy and intentions of the person performing the surgery.
- During the surgery:-
Aesthetic nostril surgery requires local anesthesia with a sedative or general anesthetic. This depends on the domain of the complexity of the surgery and what the drawer recommends. - Discuss with your doctor before surgery which type of anesthesia would be best for you.
- Local anesthesia by a sedative: This type of anesthesia is usually used in outpatient clinics, as it is limited to a specific area of the body, where the doctor injects a pain-relieving treatment into the tissues of the nose, It also shelters your pain with an intravenous (IV) treatment. This makes you dizzy but won’t make you sleep completely.
- General Anesthesia: During general anesthesia, you receive medication (anesthetic) by inhalation or through a small tube (intravenous “IV” tube), It is placed in one of the veins of the hand, neck or chest. General anesthesia affects the entire body and causes unconsciousness during surgery. General anesthesia requires the use of a breathing tube.
Rhinoplasty can be performed from within the nostril or by making a small external cut (incision) at the base of the nostril, In between its nostrils, the surgeon may also re-establish control over the bone and cartilage under your skin, and the surgeon may transform the nostril bone or cartilage in a variety of ways. So depending on the amount to be added or removed, the structure of the nostril and the materials available and for small changes to be made, The surgeon may use cartilage taken from the bottom of the nose or from the ear and if the changes are greater than that, After making these changes, the surgeon may use cartilage from ribs, fibers, or bone from other parts of the body. The surgeon places the nostril skin and back tissue and sews up the incisions in your nose. If the wall between the sides of the nostril (septum) is bent or crooked, The surgeon can also correct it to develop breathing after surgery. He will end your admission to the Relief Hall, The staff monitors and monitors your return to consciousness, and you may be discharged from the health center later that day. Or you might stay there that night in case you have other health problems.
after the surgery :-
- After the surgery, you will need to be in bed with your head elevated above the level of your chest to reduce bleeding and swelling.
- Your nose may become congested due to swelling or from splints placed within the nostril during surgery.
- In most cases, The internal dressings remain in place for one to seven days following the surgery.
- Your doctor also puts a splint in your nose for protection and support.
- She’s usually in her premises for about a week.
- It is common for light bleeding, mucus drainage and deep blood to occur for a few days after surgery or until the dressing is removed.
- Your doctor may place a small piece of gauze pad in place with a sticky pad under your nose to absorb the drainage.
- Change the gauze as directed by your doctor.
- Do not rest the instillation pad too tightly against your nose.
- To reduce the chances of bleeding and swelling in a better direction, Your doctor may ask you to follow preventive measures for several weeks until surgery.
The doctor may be asked to do the following:
- Avoid strenuous efforts such as aerobics and jogging.
- Take a tub shower while you have the pads on your nose.
- Don’t skip.
- eat foods rich in fiber, Like fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation.
- Constipation can cause fatigue.
- and pressing on the site of surgery.
- Avoid extreme facial expressions such as smiling or laughing.
- Gently brush your teeth to limit movement of the upper lip.
- Wear clothes that tie from the front.
- Do not pull clothing such as T-shirts or sweaters over your head.
- In addition to this, don’t wear glasses, including solar, On your nose for at least four weeks after surgery to reduce pressure on your nose.
- You can use cheek pads or tape glasses to your forehead until your nose has healed.
- Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of thirty when going outside. Especially on your nose, prolonged exposure to the sun can permanently discolor the skin of the nostrils.
- This is likely to cause some temporary swelling or a blue-black discoloration on your eyelids two to three weeks after nose surgery.
- Swelling in the nose takes longer to recover.
- Reducing the sodium in your diet will help you get rid of swelling more quickly.
- Do not put anything such as ice packs or cold packs on your nose following surgery.
- Your nose changes throughout your life whether you have had surgery or not for this reason. It is difficult to determine if you have had an “end result”, but most of the swelling clears up within a year.
Very small changes in the appearance of your nose, often measured in millimeters, can make a huge difference to the style in which your nose is articulated. Simple changes are not enough. If this is the case, you and your surgeon may decide to have a second surgery to make further changes. You must wait at least a year for the surgery to complete, Because your nose may undergo changes at that time.
Frequently asked questions:-
How is septoplasty different from septoplasty?
Aesthetic plastic surgery of the nostril is surgery to change the shape of the nostril and because both the breathing and the shape of the nostril are close together, A nostril plastic surgery may sometimes be performed not only to transform the appearance of the nose, but also to develop breathing through the nostril, and septoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve breathing by modifying the wall inside the nostril that divides the nasal passage into a right and left part (nasal border) when the septum is crooked. , It can make breathing through the nose more difficult. Septoplasty is usually associated with plastic surgery of the nostril.
Does the labiaplasty embody a modest process?
Nose augmentation surgery is a tiring procedure that presents a number of challenges. This is due to several factors:-
- First:- The nostril is represented by a complex three-dimensional appearance and is located in the middle of the face. Often the variables that are completed during the nostril plastic surgery are very small, but these differences can make a great difference in the appearance and functions of the nose, and because these changes are small, The margin of error is also small and the swelling and application of topical analgesics into the skin distort the appearance of the nostril during surgery. What hides the large amount of minor changes that have been made, and rhinoplasty surgery does not enjoy a standard plan or a set of set steps. Doctors design each operation according to what the patient needs.

It is necessary to know a large number of things about plastic nose cosmetic surgeries in order to end the arrival of the integrated picture of everything related to that and the category of procedures before the patient performs the operation, in order to end the acquisition of data that helps the patient to feel satisfied and to perform the operation without fear or hesitation and before knowing things about Rhinoplasty plastic surgery It is necessary to know first the psychological and social reasons for the application of this type of activities.
The nose is the main structure that shows the face in a wonderful way and is composed of the skin above the bone and cartilage, and it is the main axis of the face in general, and the style of the nose can change with driving with age, so many patients resort to performing rhinoplasty operations for lack of psychological comfort and satisfaction with the shape of the nose the nose .
Many patients seek rhinoplasty, because it is one of the most desirable areas for cosmetic surgical activities and the reasons for this spread, including that there are types of patients who dream of acquiring an attractive nose consistent with the formal details to display the nose in an attractive and wonderful way, so rhinoplasty operations are performed to obtain A nose that is proportional to the shape of the face. As for the other justification, which is that there is a patient who has been subjected to serious misfortunes and injuries beyond her control, which led to the deformation of the shape of her nose, which required plastic surgeries for the nose until it cancels the upgrade and beautification of her model again.
Procedures to be followed before plastic surgery of the nose Rhinoplasty:
First :- The patient’s face and nose should be photographed at different angles in the nose and the face before plastic surgery of the nose, so that the comparison is crossed out after that in the manner of the old nose and the new nose model for the speed of psychological satisfaction and the conviction that the nose was actually modified and appeared in a modern way completely different from the first appearance after rhinoplasty operations The external shape of the nose can be transformed in a variety of ways because there are different types of rhinoplasty operations Such as :
- rhinoplasty open
- Rhinoplasty with a closed tip
Therefore , you should consult with the doctor and choose the most appropriate method for you.
If there are prominent obstacles in the nose, bones and cartilage, they can be raised to the bottom so that your nose is straight with the shape of your face, but if there is a deviation of the nose from the midline, it is possible to re-reform the duct by using cartilage grafts, but if the nose is very long or large, this can be revised By performing a surgical removal of the cartilage, or if the nose is wide and short, this can be done by expanding the tip of the nose with the cartilage.
Action time:
Rhinoplasty may not take a long time, as this process may take up to three hours, but the matter varies from one situation to another, and one day it is your behavior, You will report in the hospital while you are fasting, do not eat or drink anything before you go to the hospital 6 hours and before the surgery, the surgeon will meet with you again, and he will explain to you what happens in the operation. Where an incision is completed inside the nostrils, while with an open technique, an incision is made through the columella (the place between the nostrils) because that incision is usually very delicate and unclear. A week before the operation and refrain from it for a while not less than two weeks after the operation. It is also necessary not to drink alcohol two weeks before the operation and before the operation, the surgeon who will perform rhinoplasty for you will meet with you to test the psychological state that you feel and explain to you a few suitable alternatives for you to choose The ideal nose that fits the face and ends the procedure of general anesthesia on the patient.
What will be done after rhinoplasty?
- After the operation, you will need to rest even after the effects of anesthesia are gone, as you will feel some discomfort because the modern nose does not agree. Do not worry. This is a normal feeling that happens to many patients following plastic surgeries of the nose.
- And you will feel pain like pain if someone hit you hard and violently, as in many cases, a limited number of diseases remain, and you feel that they have symptoms of severe colds.
- You may have the bandages around your mouth for a day or two until the wound is protected and the wound heals faster and this prevents you from breathing through the nose.
- You have to feel that you are ready to go home and you should seek the help of a friend or relative near you for a day until the drug is completely gone from your body.
- The nurse will give you a lot of advice on memorizing the protection and preservation of your nose when you return home, and you must schedule a follow-up appointment with the doctor.

A large number of questions arise in the minds of patients who want to do plastic surgery of the nose about the most appropriate ways to get rid of the defects and shortcomings of the nose and to show them in an impressive and attractive way, Is plastic nose surgery the most appropriate surgical procedures, or non-surgical operations the most appropriate? What are the side effects of each of them? This topic explains what is the difference between surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty plastic surgeries:
What are the methods used in plastic surgery, surgical and non-surgical nose?
The surgical nose plastic surgeries are used by general anesthesia, while the non-surgical uses local anesthesia.
Rhinoplasty surgeries have several methods, which are:-
- The first method and method: It is called the internal: the internal and it is often used in simple or medium cases, where an internal incision is made between the upper lower nasal cartilages without any external wounds, as there is no need to open the nose in rhinoplasty.
- As for the second method: It is used in cosmetic plastic surgeries for the external open nose, so you need to open and remove the skin from the nose, which is a very sensitive process that needs to be carried out with great care and high experience. The nose This surgery leaves a scar that does not appear with the patient in the nose, just as this type of plastic surgery of the nose is governed by several things, including the size of the deviation resulting from injuries and some cases of congenital malformations, so it is necessary to know that the results may not be as much as the patient expects from cosmetic surgeries. The surgical nose, and this means that it requires knowledge in large quantities. Sometimes it is not possible to reach the desired appearance and expectations, and this is not a deficiency and a defect in the doctor or in the operation, especially with the presence of a thickening of the skin, but after cosmetic plastic surgeries the nose can appear in the expected manner.
Rhinoplasty plastic surgeries:-
As for non-surgical rhinoplasty by injection, it is used by injection with filler or Botox, because this type is used in the updates of simple nose cases, for example, the filler is used in cases such as spaces and cavities and helps to fill the spaces inside the nose and the excess cavity of the nose and raise the nasal bridge for patients who have them A depression in the bridge of the nose, which gives a beautiful and attractive appearance to the nose, and the filler lasts for a year, after which it needs to be re-injected.
As for Botox:
It tries to reduce muscle activity, which causes the muscle to relax and stop from shrinking the peak, which leads to a modest rise in the top of the nose without surgery by injecting the size of a small number of Botox. Which leads to the relaxation and stopping of the muscle, all of this helps a slight escalation at the top of the nose without surgery by injecting a large amount of Botox, so it is possible for Botox injections to work on both sides of the nose because it works to relax the muscles that cause the stretching of the nose, especially throughout the speech or laughter Which leads to a relatively small amount of the nose tip without surgery.
What are the side effects in surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty?
We must know that all surgeries and others have side effects that are different from each other. For example, the side effects following cosmetic nose surgery plastic surgery are represented in:
- Violent pain, swelling, and bangs, especially around the eye area
- A feeling of pain, strong slapping, stiffness and numbness, especially in the tips of the nose, and this can continue with the patient during several months and after this is written off the concealment of these symptoms
- The patient also appears to have difficulty breathing through the nose and uses the mouth to breathe
- In large quantities, in some cases, modest nosebleeds will occur, but soon it will complete its expiration after 24 hours
- As a result, the patient feels a psychological state, which is a lack of self-confidence and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the new change of the nose, unless he quickly ends the disappearance of this psychological state and returns to his normal life.
As for the side effects of non-surgical plastic rhinoplasty surgeries:-
- It is the appearance of temporary redness and swelling in the area and disappears for several days immediately after the injection.
Noticeable :- The injection cannot treat the nose by making it difficult to breathe and solving the problem of internal blockages in the nose, but the injection is nothing but an attempt to improve, update and beautify the external appearance of the nose only. To surgery or need injections of filler or Botox.
Celebrity experiences:
▶ Click to watch videos of the opinions of some artists with celebrity doctor Dr. Ramy El-Anany
▶ Click to watch videos of testimonials from some patients on social media
▶ Click to watch the singer Enas Ezz El-Din and her experience with Ionic sculpture
▶ Click to see the singer Marwa Nagy and her experience with ionic sculpture
▶ Click to watch the singer Shatha and her experience with ionic sculpture
▶ Click to watch the media, Nahed Awni, and her experience with ionic sculpture
▶ Click to watch the artist Rogina with Dr. Ramy El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the artist, Reem Al-Baroudi, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami Al-Anani
▶ Click to watch the artist, Dana Hamdan, with the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany
▶ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, and the artist, Asmaa Galal
▶ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, with the artist, Liqaa El-Khamisy
▶ Click to watch the artist Nisreen Amin with Dr. Rami Al-Anani
▶ Click to watch the artist, Nihal Anbar, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
▶ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, with actress Sherine El-Tahhan
▶ Click to watch the announcer, Sherine Suleiman, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the artist Safaa Jalal and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the artist Salwa Khattab with Dr. Rami Al-Anani
◀ Click to watch the artist, Menna Arafa and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the star Amal Rizk with Dr. Rami Al-Anani
▶ Click to watch the artist Donia Abdel Aziz and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the artist Sweidan’s meeting with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the announcer, Doaa Salah, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
▶ Click to watch Nermin Maher with Dr. Ramy El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the singer Zizi with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the singer Marwa Nagy and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
▶ Click to watch the artist Amira Farag with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
▶ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, with actress Yousra Masoudi
Some links for the procedure:
▶ Click to watch the best plastic surgeon 2021, Ramy El-Anany, in the clinic program for rhinoplasty
▶ Click to watch Dr. Ramy El-Anany talking to Washwasha about rhinoplasty
▶ Click to view Dr. Rami El-Anany and his article in Enigma magazine
▶ Click to view Dr. Rami El-Anany and his article in Charisma Magazine
▶ Click to view Dr. Rami El-Anany and his article in the magazine lounge
▶ Click to watch Dr. Ramy El-Anany explains the difference between hair and facial Botox
▶ Click to view the filler injection and its importance with Dr. Ramy El-Anany in Washoucha
▶ Click to watch Dr. Ramy El-Anany answers the question: Do men inject Botox?
▶ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, in Classy magazine
Articles to learn more about the procedure:
▶ Click to view rhinoplasty operations
▶ Click to see when rhinoplasty is a necessity??
▶ Click to view rhinoplasty operations
▶ Click to see the reduction of the nose without plastic surgery
▶ Click to view the reduction of the nose by surgical methods
▶ Click to see everything related to rhinoplasty
▶ Click to see what you need to know about rhinoplasty as
▶ Click to view Frequently Asked Questions about Rhinoplasty as
▶ Click to watch a non-surgical rhinoplasty
▶ Click to see facts about rhinoplasty operations