Breast lift surgery
What is breast reduction?
Brief summary :-
Breast reduction surgery Breast reduction surgery works to reduce the size of a woman’s breasts in the name of breast surgery or breast reduction surgery, and it consists of removing excess fat from the breast area, as well as excess glandular tissue, and any extra skin that appears in the chest area in a flabby and large pampering way more than The necessary, as the operation helps reduce the size of the breast and make it a more proportional size and comfort for the woman, because one of the health and psychological problems that affect women is a significant increase in the size of the chest..
- pregnancy
- Breast feeding
- gravity
- Age
Its general factors are factors that affect the woman’s breasts, as the skin loses part of its elastic properties and original style, so the breast becomes “empty” and sagging. The results of breast aesthetics can last for many years, but with the passage of time, and due to the aging process and the force of gravity, the breast may regress again and by breast lift surgery, Breast lift can not only lift the breast and update its style, But it can also, Reducing the rate of the areola (the dark skin that surrounds the nipple), although the drooping of the breasts is also accompanied by, By reducing the amount, as happens after pregnancy, the use of silicone breast implants for the breast and in addition to raising the breast can help in increasing the size of the breasts, updating their shape and giving them a young and solid appearance.
Procedure duration:
Breast lift surgery takes place, breast lift, breast lift, breast lift, usually, From an hour and a half to three and a half hours, the methods are not the same, except that the most common procedure is to make an incision around the nipple only or an additional incision from the areola towards the crease under the breast andSometimes, Another incision procedure along the lower breast fold, which leaves a scar on the appearance of an anchor, ends the determination of the incision pattern based on the extent of the breast prolapse and excess skin on it.
Is a breast lift and lift suitable for me?
Breast augmentation surgery can change the external appearance for the better and enhance the bonds of self-confidence, but it will not radically transform the external appearance. Therefore, before making the regulatory decision regarding undergoing such surgery, it is important to make some kind of fit and control expectations, It is best to discuss it with your surgeon. Plastic Surgeon Until you are satisfied with the results of your surgery, it is important that you are aware of the limitations of breast enhancement surgery and whether or not the expected results meet your expectations andThe best results are usually obtained, In women with small and flabby breasts, breast lift surgery can be performed for all volumes of the breast, but the results do not last long in females with large and heavy breasts.
Many women want to undergo this surgery, a breast lift, especially since pregnancy and breastfeeding cause the breasts to sag and lose part of their size andIf you want to give birth to more children, it is better to postpone breast-raising surgeryAs pregnancy and breast-feeding may harm the results of the surgery because they cause the breast skin to continue to stretch again. However, it must be emphasized that breast reduction and breast lift surgery is not harmful to future pregnancy or breast-feeding.
What can I expect so far about mammoplasty?
An elastic bandage or surgical bra will need to be placed over the gauze bandages after surgery and there will be bruising on the chest, modest bleeding under the skin, swelling and discomfort for the amount of one or two days. by not being silent.
So far, many days have passed. The responsive bandages or surgical bra are replaced with a supportive and soft bra. The patient must wear the bra for 24 hours for 4-6 weeks, while the stitches are removed so far a week or two andIf the breast skin is very dry after the surgery, a body cream can be used and applied to the breast several times a day. Care is required not to press on the skin or reach the stitch line when using the moisturizing cream andIt is predicted that this will come with a pattern of loss of sensation in the nipples and the skin of the breasts, caused by swelling and the extension of the skin after the surgery, and the numbness feeling fades when the swelling subsides after about six weeks, and the case may continue in a small number of patients for a longer time, but it is rare for this to continue Status permanently andThe healing process takes place in a steady manner, although the patient can leave the bed one day after the operation, and it is preferable not to return to work during the first week of the operation, At least, subjects should not be elevated above the brain for a period of 3-4 weeks, and no physical load should be exercised for 3-4 weeks.

Breast reduction surgery Breast reduction surgery works to reduce the size of a woman’s breasts in the name of breast surgery or breast reduction surgery, and it consists of removing excess fat from the breast area, as well as excess glandular tissue, and any extra skin that appears in the chest area in a flabby and large pampering way more than The necessary, as the operation helps reduce the size of the breast and make it a more proportional size and comfort for the woman, because one of the health and psychological problems that affect women is a significant increase in the size of the chest.
Why do women seek breast reduction?
A: Because the very large breasts of a woman can cause a loss of self-confidence and a lack of satisfaction and contentment with her body, and the abnormal increase in the size of the chest creates many health problems, including chronic back pain, deep creases in the shoulder from compression bra straps, skin irritation such as rashes under the breasts, Also, women who have a large size than the normal size in the shape of the chest leads to curvature of the spine and the chest in excess of what is necessary, which leads to back and neck pain in the woman’s body. Favorite clothes that show a woman’s body in an attractive and harmonious way, pamper and sagging the breast area and appear inappropriately, and it can happen due to a change in hormones or genetic reasons. Excess breast growth also occurs for girls without reasons related to age, pregnancy and childbirth, and increasing the size of the chest more than necessary is prohibited. Women’s daily sports activities such as running, jumping and practicing various other sports, so women seek to undergo breast reduction surgery.
How is breast reduction surgery done?
NS: First, the place is sterilized, and the patient must be fasting six hours before the operation, because the anesthesia will be total and not local. After anesthesia, the area is injected with a saline solution, to which a local anesthetic is added to reduce pain after the operation, even with the presence of general anesthesia, as well as a substance that reduces the occurrence of bleeding during the operation, then The surgeon removes excess chest tissue and skin as well, and re-adjusts the shape of the breast and puts the nipple area in its new place. There are many methods of surgery and the shape of the wound varies according to the case, for example, sometimes the wound is in the form of a letter T in the nipple or the wound may be longitudinal below the breast with a wound around the nipple , or according to the doctor’s choice of the appropriate place to open the wound during the breast reduction surgery, then a tube (small absorbent tube) is placed under the skin in each breast inside the wound cavity to withdraw fluids and the remnants of blood that collect under the skin, which leads to rapid healing, and then is Closing the skin with surgical magic stitches in a cosmetic way and often these stitches do not need to be removed, because they are magic soluble stitches unlike other stitches that need to be removed after breast reduction.
Duration of the operation: The breast reduction procedure takes about two hours, and after the operation is completed, the woman can go home within hours of having the breast reduction procedure.
Quick ways to recover after breast reduction surgery:
A woman who has had a breast reduction surgery must wear a compression bra for a period of no less than two months, which helps reduce the occurrence of injury or swelling after the breast reduction surgery, and it also puts pressure on the wound cavity, which leads to the possibility of fluid accumulation inside breast again and thus accelerate healing.
- Avoid taking aspirin, Advil, Motrin, or other aspirin-containing products for two weeks.
- if you smoke, You must stop smoking to help recover more quickly
- Your doctor may prescribe medications to relieve you of pain during the few days after the breast reduction procedure.
- You can return to normal activities in about two weeks. Taking care to avoid activities that require great effort, swelling and bruising will appear after breast reduction, but it will quickly disappear after several weeks.
- The final size in the shape of the chest will be evident within 2 to 12 months after surgery.
- While the scars are permanent, They are covered by bras, Perhaps with time it will be hidden.

Breast reduction breast reduction surgery is one of the most important procedures in the field of cosmetic medicine nowadays, as females who have larger breasts seek a height greater than what is necessary to do breast reduction, in order to obtain a proportional chest with the body and to avoid a large number of health and psychological problems such as loss of self-confidence and deprivation of wearing Many clothes and the appearance of skin deformation in the chest area due to flabbiness and the appearance of pampering in the udder area, which women seek to undergo breast reduction to solve a large number of problems and enjoy an attractive chest consistent with the appearance of the body.
What are the main reasons for breast reduction?
NS: It happens with many females that the development is abnormal in the breast tissue, which leads to the accumulation of fat in it, which manifests the chest much larger than the normal shape, as it appears in a flabby and pampered manner, and this causes psychological problems and loss of self-confidence in life Women, which is what women seek to do and undergo breast reduction surgery to get the perfect appearance for the chest area, as there are many other health reasons, including:
- The size of the chest increased in a way that was more massive than the natural model, which causes back and neck pain
- You also feel the curvature of the spine
- A large chest that is larger than the normal amount is the reason for difficulty breathing
- Loss of self-confidence due to the increase in the quantity of breasts more than necessary
- Not wearing favorite clothes that show the body in a consistent and attractive manner
- Pampering and sagging breasts and appearing inappropriate
- It can also come as a result of the excessive increase in girls from the increase in the natural progression, an increase in the size of the breast in a hasty and large manner, and also the shift in hormones and genetic causes and special reasons related to age, pregnancy and childbirth that cause an increase in the size of the breast in an abnormal manner.
Pre-breast reduction procedure:-
Patients who want to do breast reduction surgery must be fasting six hours before the operation, not eating or drinking, because the operation will be under general anesthesia, so fasting is required on top of it, and the woman must not smoke and drink alcohol two weeks before the operation so as not to cause harm during the breast reduction operation.
It is required first: Accurate determination of the part that can be removed in the woman’s breast and photographing the chest before and after the operation so that the patients feel psychological satisfaction and convince that actually, a clear change has been made so far, the act of breast reduction.
Breast reduction procedure:
There is an increase in how to, including:
The first and most prevalent method in the field of cosmetic medicine is breast reduction procedures with moving the nipple (the areola by implantation again).
Breast reduction surgery:
NS: First, he completes the purification of the site, and the patient must fast six hours before the operation, because it will be a total anesthesia. After this, the surgeon removes the excess chest tissue and skin as well, and regains control of the chest style and puts the nipple in its new position. My length is inferior to the breast with a wound around the nipple according to the doctor’s choice in the appropriate place, then he completes and places a tubercle (a tiny absorbent tube) under the skin in each breast within the wound cavity to draw out the fluids and blood residues that are present that collect under the skin, which leads to rapid healing, then completes the closure The skin with surgical stitches in a cosmetic way and often these stitches do not need to be removed, because they are magic soluble stitches unlike other stitches that lack displacement.
Operation period: The breast reduction surgery takes about two hours, and after the operation the woman can go home within hours of the operation.
Overview :-
breast reduction surgery, Also known as reducing mammoplasty, It is a procedure used to remove excess fat, tissue and skin from the breasts, even if you have large breasts. You may choose to have breast reduction surgery to reduce discomfort or to fit the size of your breasts to your body. Breast reduction surgery may also improve your personal image and ability to participate in physical activity.
And if you’re considering breast reduction surgery, Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon in order to be aware of the consequences of breast reduction surgery, including these potential risks and complications, as well as make realistic expectations.
Why does this action end:-
The udder reduction surgery is used in females who complain of an enlarged udder and want to solve problems such as:
- Chronic pain in the back, neck and shoulder that needs pain medication
- Chronic rash or chronic skin irritation under the breasts
- nerve pain
- confined activity
- Diminishing self-image related to large breasts
- Difficulty finding suitable bras and clothes
It does not generally advise breast reduction surgery in the following cases:
- smoking tobacco
- Having certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart problems
- Exorbitant obesity
- Not wanting to have scars on the breasts
- Breast reduction surgery can be performed at any age – but even in your teens time and time again unless your breast progression isn’t complete yet, You may need to have a second operation later in life.
You may need to postpone udder reduction surgery if you are planning certain future events, such as:
- Birth: If you did not form a family afterwards, or if the number of your family members was not complete, You need to wait until pregnancy is not a hindrance Breastfeeding has been difficult after undergoing udder reduction surgery, However, a limited number of specific surgical techniques can help you restore your ability to breastfeed.
- Weight loss: _ If you are interested in losing weight by switching your diet and starting an exercise program, You need to wait until you decide if reduction mammoplasty is right for you as weight loss almost always results in changes in breast rate.
- Serious risks Breast reduction surgery has the same risks as any newer type of major surgery, she bleeds, Infection and response reverse procedure to anesthesia.
Other potential risks include the following:-
- bumps occur, which is usually temporary scarring
- Insensitivity to the nipples or the skin around them (areola)
- Difficulty or inability to breastfeed
- The presence of variables between the amount of left and right breasts adjusted, their shape and consistency, The issue that may lead to further surgery to improve appearance.
How often do you prepare for a plastic surgeon to:
- Assessment of the medical history and general health of the patient
- Debate your expectations for breast size and appearance so far surgery
- Provide a detailed description of the process, its risks and benefits, Including potential scarring and the chance of loss of feeling
- Analyze and measure your breasts
- Taking pictures of your breasts for your medical record
- Explain the type of anesthesia used during surgery
Before breast reduction surgery, You may also be appealed:-
- Complete different lab tests
- Obtain the necessary mammogram
- Not smoking for a specific period of time before and after the surgery
- avoid the use of aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements to control intraoperative bleeding
- Ask your surgeon if you’ll be able to go home one day after the surgery or if you’ll need to spend a night in the hospital.
- Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery or when you leave a health center.
What you can expect:-
The udder reduction surgery is usually eliminated by general anesthesia either in a health center or in an outpatient surgical facility.
During the operation: The specific method and method used to reduce the rate of your breasts may vary.
Subsequent surgery may include: Incisional incision, liposuction to remove excess fat in your breasts
The surgeon usually does the following:
- Makes an incision around the areola and the bottom of the breast
- Excess tissue, fat and skin are removed from the breast to reduce the amount of each breast
- Changes the shape of the udder and corrects the position of the nipple and areola
- The nipple and areola: They usually remain attached to the breast
- If your breasts are very large, they may need to be removed and then reattached to the breast at a higher place in a skin graft method.
- Your surgeon will try to harmonize the two shapes of your breasts. Rather, there may be a limited number of variables in their size and shape.
- The aura rate may also decrease.
- Surgical incision scars may fade over time. But it will never completely disappear.
In the aftermath of the operation
Immediately after surgery:
- Your breasts will be covered with gauze or bandages
- They may insert a tube under each arm to suck out any excess blood or fluid
- You are likely to take painkillers and antibiotics, To reduce the risk of getting infected
During the first days so far of the surgery:
- You will often feel misery in the breasts and their sensitivity
- Your breasts may be swollen and swollen
- Your surgeon may advise you to wear an elastic compression bra to secure your breasts
After that period:
- You will need to reduce your physical activity for a range of two to four weeks while the breasts recover
- Your surgeon may advise you to avoid bras with metal frames for several months after surgery
- Usually the scars fade with the passage of time.
- You’ll need to have follow-up visits with your surgeon to remove the stitches and make sure you’re recovering.

Breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift and tummy tuck surgery
Breast reduction is a process that has proven effective in the past few years, especially in harems who were suffering from an excessively large increase in the rate of the breast significantly, which led to the practice of udder reduction by surgical methods because few females still have breasts that are very large, flabby, and drooping, so they cannot Other simple classic methods, such as liposuction, solve this problem, because during the operation, the doctor removes the skin and excess fat, upgrades and tightens the skin, and sews the area in the normal way or by magical soluble methods.
What are the pre-preparations for breast reduction surgery?
Patients who want to undergo breast reduction surgery must stop smoking tobacco a week before applying the plastic surgery, because it may increase the risk of infection in the chest area, and also stop drinking alcohol. Fasting for six hours before the operation. Do not eat or drink six hours before the operation. Before the breast reduction operation, he will take a mammogram before and after the operation to erase the great difference before and after the operation, to convince the patient that there has actually been a noticeable change in the appearance of the chest after the operation.
Description of breast reduction surgery:
First, the site is sterilized, and the patient must be fasting six hours before the operation because the anesthesia will be total, so far the anesthesia ends injecting the area with saline solution added to it a local analgesic drug to reduce pain in the aftermath of the operation (even with the presence of general anesthesia) and also a substance that reduces the occurrence of bleeding During the operation and after that, the surgeon removes the excess chest tissue and skin as well, re-subjects the appearance of the udder and puts the nipple area in its new position. There are many methods of surgery and the shape of the wound varies according to the situation. Sometimes the wound is in the style of the letter T in the nipple, or the wound may be longitudinal below the breast with a wound Around the nipple, according to the doctor’s choice, in the appropriate position. Breast reduction. Then a tube (a tiny absorbent tube) is placed under the skin in each breast within the scope of the wound cavity to draw fluids and remove the current blood that collects under the skin, which may lead to rapid healing, then completes the closure The skin with surgical sutures in a cosmetic way and often these sutures do not need to be removed because they are magic sutures that are dissolved unlike other sutures that require cancellation.
Duration of the operation:- The udder reduction procedure takes about two hours, and after the completion of the operation, the woman can go home within hours of the completion of the breast reduction procedure. The stage in which the breast creation is completed and the final appearance is clear after the operation depends on the type of surgery that was performed. And according to the extent and location of the wounds, and in all cases, the period can be between two to six weeks to obtain the final appearance of the breast after reduction.
Is udder reduction surgery likely to leave scars?
Yes, this will result in leaving scars in the first stage so far, the operation, but it can end its concealment through creams that help to cancel the effects of the scars or use the scar eradication device, which is the reason for its approximate concealment and the elimination of this problem from the udder area.
Do complications remain after the udder reduction surgery?
Yes, this may result in a few minor complications following breast reduction, such as symptoms of bruises and light infections in the skin, and it is also possible that a change in the nipple may arise for a time that may reach from one month to 6 months, and blood accumulations can occur and therefore, which reduces it by wearing a carrier. The compressive udder, like any other operation, is likely to leave the wound with a clear trace until now the healing depends on things inside it. The sick person himself will have poor wound healing, especially with people with dark skin, where the surgery leaves a trace that tends to dark color and takes longer to return to its natural color than the owners white skin.
Celebrity experiences:
◀ Click to watch videos of the opinions of some artists with celebrity doctor Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch videos of testimonials from some patients on social media
◀Click to watch the singer Enas Ezz El-Din and her experience with Ionic sculpture
◀ Click to see the singer Marwa Nagy and her experience with ionic sculpture
◀ Click to watch the singer Shatha and her experience with ionic sculpture
◀ Click to watch the media, Nahed Awni, and her experience with ionic sculpture
◀ Click to watch the artist Rogina with Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the artist, Reem Al-Baroudi, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami Al-Anani
◀ Click to watch the artist, Dana Hamdan, with the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, and the artist, Asmaa Galal
◀ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, with the artist, Liqaa El-Khamisy
◀ Click to watch the artist Nisreen Amin with Dr. Rami Al-Anani
◀ Click to watch the artist, Nihal Anbar, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. رامي العناني
◀ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, with actress Sherine El-Tahhan
◀ Click to watch the announcer, Sherine Suleiman, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the artist Safaa Jalal and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the artist Salwa Khattab with Dr. Rami Al-Anani
◀ Click to watch the artist, Menna Arafa and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the star Amal Rizk with Dr. Rami Al-Anani
◀ Click to watch the artist Donia Abdel Aziz and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the artist Sweidan’s meeting with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the announcer, Doaa Salah, with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
◀ Click to watch Nermin Maher with Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the singer Zizi with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the singer Marwa Nagy and Dr. Ramy El-Anany
◀ Click to watch the artist Amira Farag with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Rami El-Anany
◀ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, with actress Yousra Masoudi
Some links to the procedure:
◀ Click to watch breast augmentation with Dr. Rami El-Anany in the clinic program
◀ Click to see the best way to enlarge the breast with Dr. Rami El-Anany in Washoucha
◀ Click to view Dr. Rami El-Anany and his article in Enigma magazine
◀ Click to view Dr. Rami El-Anany and his article in Charisma Magazine
◀ Click to view Dr. Rami El-Anany and his article in the magazine lounge
◀ Click to watch Dr. رامي العناني explains the difference between hair and facial Botox
◀ Click to view the filler injection and its importance with Dr. Ramy El-Anany in Washoucha
◀ Click to watch Dr. Ramy El-Anany answers the question: Do men inject Botox?
◀ Click to see the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Ramy El-Anany, in Classy magazine
Articles to learn more about the procedure:
◀ Click to view it Breast reduction with the latest surgical methods
◀ Click to view breast reduction
◀ Click to view breast reduction surgery
◀ Click to view breast reduction surgery
◀ Click to view Breast Reduction
◀ Click to see all about breast reduction