The treatment of scars and the effects of pimples is one of the many problems that spread and appear to many people, which are scars and the effects of pimples, due to health problems or the cause of previous injuries and wounds that left scars and traces on the skin, and in the past there was no strong and quick solution that helps to end this annoying problem, but now it has become It is easy to obtain a solution to this problem from the Microneedle device, which operates with resonating energy, which helps in treating scars and the effects of grains and ending this problem through a number of sessions. The percentage of collagen in the skin, which appears The skin is beautiful and flawless completely.

How is the Microneedle device used in the treatment of scars and acne scars?

Microneedle is used to treat scars and the effects of grains through reciprocating energy, and then the condition and problem will first be determined by the team of plastic medicine doctors in the clinic, then the patient is given a local anesthetic, then the microneedle is directed directly into the skin at a certain depth, Then the radiofrequency energy is released inside the skin, and this gives a more consistent deep tissue that will stimulate the collagen ratio and collagen fibers are produced in a new way. Each needle in the array is at the end of each end with and then entered into the cell area to transmit thermal energy that works to produce and stimulate collagen and regeneration of dead skin cells.

The microneedle system is completely different from laser treatment, because the electro-optical energy used in the laser negatively affects dark skin.علاج الندبات واثار الحبوب

As for the microneedle device, it transfers thermal energy to the skin from the end of the needle. It is transferred from the circle of the point to the neighboring areas, causing the renewal of skin cells and stimulating the proportion of collagen in the skin. The needles are also completely insulated, And the small holes that are created are not exposed to thermal damage during emissions by microneedling, which in turn reduces side effects on the skin and prevents pigmentation and works to treat scars and pimples and does not cause any harm to the skin, and dead skin cells are renewed through it, it is one of the best treatments in Treating scars, the effects of grains and wrinkles, making the skin restore its freshness, re-stimulating collagen in the skin and skin, and tightening sagging.

Are there any side effects after using the Microneedle device to treat scars and acne scars?

There will be some minor side effects that will quickly disappear, as after the treatment sessions for scars and the effects of grains, redness and slight swelling appear after 24 hours in the areas where the Microneedle device was entered, and it can be hidden by using makeup to cover the swelling and redness so as not to It affects the normal life and the practice of daily activities. .

Is the treatment of scars and the effects of acne through microneedle suitable for dark skin tone?

Yes, indeed, the Microneedle device is very suitable for dark skin and dark skin, because it works only with radiofrequency energy and not with light like laser treatment, so it cannot cause damage to dark skin, as it leads when used to rejuvenate skin cells and restore cells to life again after they were Dead due to skin and skin loss of collagen and with age.

How many sessions can we need in the treatment of scars and acne scars?

Patients who want to conduct treatment sessions for scars and the effects of grains will need according to the type of skin, the size of the defects and the problem, and this will be repeated by the doctor.

When will the results continue in the treatment of scars and the effects of grain?

The results will be permanent when the treatment sessions for scars and acne scars are completed through the microneedle

Does the skin layer become thin after treating the scars and the effects of pimples?

The microneedle device cannot make the skin and skin thinner after treating the scars and the effects of pimples, but on the contrary, it will work on the production of collagen in the skin and make the skin more strong, healthy, youthful and smooth.

Is it possible to use ice packs after sessions?

Yes, it is necessary to use ice 10 minutes after the treatment sessions for scars and acne scars so that the heat on the skin is cooled and reduced due to the use of the microneedle device to treat the problem