
rhinoplasty surgery

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery and has the highest percentage of cosmetic surgeries. As the nose is the most visible part of the face to the eye, and therefore the appearance and shape of the nose affects the external appearance of the face, and therefore we find that most of the patients who go to rhinoplasty clinics are women.

Many times, after a rhinoplasty, the patient is surprised because they cannot quickly get used to the new appearance of the nose. Therefore, those who have been accustomed to the appearance of their nose for many years may feel some relative anxiety and tension after the new shape of the nose.

How to perform a nose reduction surgery?

Top rhinoplasty surgeons in the world perform plastic surgery through a small incision that does not leave a trace afterwards, And often the time period for the operation is within 90 minutes, after which the patient is discharged from the hospital after staying about 24 hours under observation.

With recent developments in this field, it has helped to make a big leap in plastic surgery and nose reduction. And the following results of the operation, Enable the doctor to fully control the desired access.

The technological development in plastic surgery was accompanied by a tremendous development in the machines that deal with the bones accurately. For example, when the bones of the nose protrude upwards, or when the desire to reduce the bones of the nose, Doctors are using electrical machines that are precise and extremely accurate, and do not rely on manual assessment only, as was the case before.

What after the operation – and are there complications after performing rhinoplasty?

There may be minor complications that can occur after rhinoplasty, Despite the surgeon’s skill and experience – but there are still possibilities that it is possible to cause some complications that affect the patient directly and may not be expected before – such as:

  • Some patients may lose their sense of smell temporarily – some time – after this surgery
  • Some swelling may occur due to surgery, but usually it disappears within a week at most, Some cases may need a longer time, sometimes up to a year, and sometimes more than that.
  • A person undergoing rhinoplasty may experience dark circles around the eyes after the surgery. and recovering, Other times, small red spots may appear on and around the nose due to the explosion of some small blood vessels during the surgery. These spots disappear after a while, but in rare cases, they may not disappear and remain inherent to the patient.
  • Some negative impact may occur on the function of the nose and the breathing process itself – after the wound tissue recovers – the patient may face the problem of having a small sound accompanying the breathing process, and this can negatively affect the patient as he will turn into a source of nuisance.
  • In nose surgery from the inside, some scars may appear, but they are very simple, But if the technique used in rhinoplasty is open, or if there is a need to make a significant narrowing of the nostril, in this case, the scars remain visible on the nose for several months, but disappear with time.
  • The complete recovery period and the final results may take about a year after the operation, Where the swelling in the nose area subsides within a few months, But if the patient or the patient feels the need to perform a correction for the surgery, here we find that it is very important to choose a skilled surgeon with a high technical level to perform the correction process, because carrying out the corrective operation is more difficult than the first operation due to the presence of scars and the scarcity of tissues in the place of the operation, as a result of the operation previous.

Are there moral effects and the occurrence of depression:

Some people may experience depression after undergoing plastic surgery or rhinoplasty. Because the person or patient is not accustomed to the new shape of the nose and this has been scientifically explained after doing many studies that damage to the sensitive nerve receptors in the nasal cavity may lead to a slight feeling that the nose does not accept the new shape and is inconsistent with the face, There is also another problem that we cannot know whether the depression is the result of dissatisfaction with the operation directly or it is due to the discomfort, Or nervousness due to some bruises and swelling in the nose and the surrounding part after the operation.

The terrible development in the technology used helped the surgeon to give the patient a complete picture of the appearance of his nose after the operation, using 3D simulation programs to show the image of the nose before and after the operation, So that there is no surprise from the shape of the nose after the operation, and the patient is psychologically accepting of the new shape and avoiding surprises from the new shape after the operation.

Rhinoplasty is surgery to change the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty may be motivated by changing the shape of the nose, or better breathing, or both.

The bones form the upper part of the nasal structure, The cartilage forms the lower part of it. Rhinoplasty can change the bones, or cartilage, or skin, or all. Talk to your surgeon about whether rhinoplasty is right for you. And what it can achieve.

When planning a rhinoplasty, Your surgeon will think about your other facial features. and the skin on your nose, And what would you like to change. If you are a candidate for surgery, Your surgeon will develop a customized plan for you.

Why is this done
Rhinoplasty can change the size, shape, and proportions of the nose. It may be performed to repair deformities resulting from an injury, correct a birth defect, or improve certain breathing difficulties.

how to prepare
Before scheduling a rhinoplasty, you should meet with your surgeon to discuss the important factors that determine whether the surgery will be successful for you. This interview generally includes:

Your medical history. The most important question your doctor will ask you is about your motivation for surgery and your goals. Your doctor will also ask about your medical history — including a history of stuffy nose, surgeries, and any medications you’re taking. If you have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, you may not be eligible for rhinoplasty.
Physical examination. Your doctor will perform a thorough physical exam, including any lab tests such as blood tests. He or she will also check the features of your face and the inside and outside of your nose.

A physical exam helps your doctor determine what changes you need to make and how physical features such as the thickness of your skin or the strength of the cartilage at the end of your nose will affect your results. The physical examination is also conclusive in determining the effect of rhinoplasty on your breathing.

Pictures. Someone from your doctor’s office will take pictures of your nose from multiple angles. Your surgeon may use a computer program to modify the images to show you the expected results. Your doctor will use these images for before-and-after assessment and as a reference during surgery and for long-term reviews. Most importantly, the images allow you to have a specific discussion of the goals of the surgery.
Discuss your expectations. You and your doctor should talk about your motivations and expectations. He or she will explain what rhinoplasty can and cannot do for you and what the results might be. It’s normal to feel a little lack of self-confidence while discussing your appearance, but it’s very important to be open with your surgeon about your desires and goals for surgery.

If you have a small chin, your doctor may talk to you about having surgery to augment your chin. This is because a small chin will create the illusion that your nose is big. Chin surgery is not required in these circumstances, but it may improve the balance of your facial appearance.

Once you’ve scheduled your surgery, you’ll need to arrange for someone to take you home if you’re having the operation as an outpatient.

The first few days after the anesthesia, you may have memory lapses, slow reaction time, and confused judgment. So arrange for a family member or friend to stay with you for a night or two to help with personal care tasks while you recover from surgery.

food and medicine
Avoid medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others) for two weeks before and after surgery. These medications may increase bleeding. Only take medications that your surgeon approves or prescribes. Also avoid taking herbal remedies and over-the-counter supplements.

if you smoke, He stopped smoking. Smoking slows the healing process after surgery and may make you more likely to get infections.

What you can expect
Rhinoplasty does not contain an ordered series of steps. Each surgery is unique and detailed according to the specialized anatomy and goals of the person performing the surgery.

During the surgery
Rhinoplasty requires local anesthesia with a sedative or general anesthetic. This depends on the complexity of the surgery and what the surgeon recommends. Discuss with your doctor before surgery which type of anesthesia would be best for you.

Local anesthesia with a sedative. This type of anesthesia is usually used on an outpatient basis. It is limited to a specific area of the body. The doctor injects a pain-relieving medication into the tissues of the nose. It also relieves your pain with a drug that you inject through an intravenous (IV) tube. This makes you feel dizzy, but it won’t put you to sleep completely.
General anesthesia. While under general anesthesia, you receive the medicine (anesthetic) by inhalation or through a small tube (intravenous “IV” tube), It is placed in a vein in the hand, neck or chest. General anesthesia affects the entire body and leads to unconsciousness during surgery. General anesthesia requires the use of a breathing tube.
Rhinoplasty can be performed from the inside of the nose or through a small external cut (incision) at the base of the nose. That is, between its two openings. The surgeon will also likely readjust the bone and cartilage under your skin.

The surgeon may change the shape of the nasal bones or cartilage in several ways. This depends on how much to add or remove, the structure of the nose, and the materials available. In order to make small changes, The surgeon may use cartilage taken deep in the nose or from the ear. If the changes are greater than that, The surgeon may use cartilage from the ribs, tissue, or bone from other areas of the body. After making these changes, The surgeon places the nasal skin and back tissue and stitches the incisions into your nose.

If the wall between the sides of the nose (septum) is bent or crooked, The surgeon can also correct it to improve breathing.

after surgery, You will be admitted to the recovery room. Where the crew watches you return to consciousness. You may be discharged from the hospital later that day. Or you might stay there that night if you have other health problems.

after surgery
After surgery, you will need to rest in bed with your head elevated above chest level to reduce bleeding and swelling. Your nose may become congested due to swelling or from splints placed inside the nose during surgery.

In most cases, The internal dressings remain in place for one to seven days after surgery. Your doctor will also put a splint in your nose for protection and support. It’s usually in place for about a week.

Light bleeding and drainage of old mucus and blood is common for a few days after surgery or after the dressing has been removed. Your doctor may place a “steel pad” — a small piece of gauze held in place with an adhesive tape — under your nose to absorb the drainage. Change the gauze as directed by your doctor. Do not hold the instillation pad too tightly against your nose.

To better reduce the chances of bleeding and swelling, Your doctor may ask you to follow preventive measures for several weeks after surgery. The doctor may ask you to:

Avoid strenuous activities such as aerobics and jogging.
Take a bath in the tub instead of in the shower while you have the pads on your nose.
Don’t skip.
eat foods rich in fiber, Like fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation. Constipation can cause fatigue and pressure at the surgical site.
Avoid extreme facial expressions such as smiling or laughing.
Gently brush your teeth to limit movement of the upper lip.
Wear clothes that tie at the front. Do not pull clothing such as T-shirts or sweaters over your head.
in addition to, don’t wear glasses, including solar, On your nose for at least four weeks after surgery to prevent pressure on your nose. You can use cheek pads or tape glasses to your forehead until your nose has healed.

Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 when going outside. Especially on your nose. Exposure to the sun for long periods of time may cause permanent abnormal coloration of the nose skin.

Some temporary swelling or a blue-black discoloration of your eyelids may occur two to three weeks after rhinoplasty. Swelling in the nose takes longer to recover. Reducing sodium in your diet will help you get rid of swelling faster. Do not put anything such as ice packs or cold packs on your nose after surgery.

Your nose changes over the course of your life, whether you have surgery on it or not. for this reason, It’s hard to say if you’ve got an ‘end result’. However, most swelling ends within a year.

Very small changes to the shape of your nose — often measured in millimeters — can make a big difference to the way your nose looks. An experienced surgeon can often achieve results that you both are satisfied with. But in some cases, Simple changes are not enough. You and your surgeon may decide to have a second surgery to make more changes. If this is the case, You must wait at least a year for follow-up surgery, Because your nose may undergo changes at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions
How does rhinoplasty differ from septoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is surgery to change the shape of the nose. Because breathing and the shape of the nose are closely related, Rhinoplasty is sometimes performed not only to change the shape of the nose but also to improve breathing through the nose.

Septoplasty is surgery to improve breathing by straightening the wall inside the nose that divides the nasal passage into a right and a left part (nasal septum). When the septum is crooked, It can make breathing through the nose more difficult. Septoplasty is usually associated with rhinoplasty.

Is rhinoplasty considered a simple process?
Rhinoplasty is a difficult procedure that involves a number of challenges. This is due to several factors. First, The nose is a complex three-dimensional shape located in the middle of the face. The changes made during rhinoplasty are often very small. But these changes can make a huge difference in the appearance and function of the nose. Because these changes are small, The margin of error is also small.

Swelling and local anesthetic application in the skin distort the appearance of the nose during surgery. What hides many minor changes that have been made. Rhinoplasty also does not have a standard plan or an ordered set of steps. Doctors design each procedure according to the patient’s needs.