ionic sculpture

Ionic sculpting without surgery

Dr. Rami Al-Anani is one of the most important doctors in the world who made a breakthrough in the world of cosmetic medicine for the body and sculpting without surgery and its pain, by breaking up and sculpting fat and getting rid of it, then tightening the flabbiness and eliminating the problem of objective obesity and excess fat that negatively affects the beauty of the appearance of the body, whether for men or women
Dr. Ramy El-Anany, the international plastic surgeon, participated in the training workshops in America on ionic body sculpting, with the participation of the inventor of these techniques, Dr. Jack Zamora…..

Dr. رامي العناني is one of 6 internationally accredited trained doctors in the world and the only one in the Middle East for ionic sculpting without surgery and LG plasma
High-definition النحت الايوني is the latest in the world of cosmetic medicine in the world for fat sculpting and skin tightening without surgical intervention … and it is the safest.

النحت الايوني technique can target specific areas of the body with a very high degree of accuracy to sculpt excess fat to reach extreme accuracy in drawing the body and sculpting it according to the ideal shape and appearance required … It is also possible to re-inject these fats after filtering and sterilizing them into Other areas of the body
It is suitable for both men and women, and the technique can be used on the following areas (the tongue, the arms, the ulna, the back, the thighs, the buttocks, and the gynecomastia of men).

This happens during the high-definition النحت الايوني procedure by defining the areas to be sculpted, the amount of fat in them, the nature of the skin and the degree of its sagging through a small point.
It is a two-stage procedure:

The first stage : fat sculpting
And it is an ultrasound that works to loosen and break fat and pull the fat cells that make up local obesity in the areas to be disposed of, while preserving the internal tissue and skin supports.

The second phase : G-plasma technology
It is the technique through which the skin of the body and the tissues surrounding the fat are tightened and helps to stimulate collagen, which helps the skin to restore its elasticity. Consistent shape without surgery.

High-definition النحت الايوني is done once for simple and medium bodies, while large cases can be from two to three times, after a medical diagnosis is determined.

Also, the high-definition النحت الايوني can be done through a local anesthetic or a general anesthetic, and this is due to the medical diagnosis and then the desire of each case.

High Definition Ionic Sculpting (No Surgery)

One of the most common problems that affect the beauty of the body is the accumulation of fat and sagging skin in areas of the body such as the abdomen, arms, buttocks, etc. which can happen to both men and women, With the tremendous technological development in all medical fields, It has become possible to sculpt the texture and get rid of the excess localized fat, And tightening the sagging skin in some places, which gives an inappropriate appearance.

Dr. Ramy El-Anany, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, He is one of the most important plastic surgeons in Egypt and the Arab world, and the only trainer of ionic sculpting in the Arab world and Africa. And the owner of the title (celebrity doctor) explains in the following report the latest methods in eliminating the problem of local obesity and excess fat and tightening sagging skin in specific places of the body that may meet women and men and negatively affect their beauty and appearance (without surgery).

Dr. Rami El-Anany is the only internationally accredited trainer in the Middle East for ionic sculpting and G-plasma.

It is the latest technology in the world and is considered a breakthrough in the world of cosmetic medicine because of its great achievements and results for sculpting fat, getting rid of fat cells, and tightening the skin without surgery just as it is specialized for localized obesity areas that are difficult to get rid of with just a diet or even with sports such as The regions (the tongue (the glug) – the two arms – the abdomen – the sides – the back – the thighs – and the back – the gynecomastia of men)

It is also not suitable for the chest area for women.

And it is done through one procedure for simple and medium cases. As for large cases, it is possible from two or three procedures, according to the doctor’s diagnosis

It is a one-day operation and a same-day checkout

Dr. Ramy El-Anany revealed that ionic sculpting is one of the latest methods of body sculpting, and it is divided into two parts or done in two stages in the same procedure:

1- Fat sculpting techniques:

Which uses ultrasound or vibration waves where fat cells are broken down and pulled out while preserving the inner tissue and skin supports.

2- G-plasma technology:

Where the skin is tightened and contracted and the size of the skin stents and connective tissues that surrounded the fat are reduced and helps to stimulate collagen, which in turn helps the elasticity of the skin as the cold plasma energy is directed under the skin to tighten the sagging immediately, And obtaining a consistent texture, all through a point in the skin, a device similar to an endoscope is inserted, which is the G-plasma.

In the same context, he explained that the concept النحت الأيوني is the use of modern techniques to remove excess fat cells (local obesity) while preserving skin supports, This is followed by the use of J plasma technology, an advanced energy device that combines cold helium plasma and RF energy to treat wrinkles and sagging. He pointed out that the cold ionic energy when applied under the skin creates an immediate contraction of the skin and supports the skin, which helps to tighten it.

Dr. رامي العناني confirmed that he usually uses local or general anesthesia when performing this operation, which takes only a few hours. When the operation is performed, part of the sagging disappears immediately and the rest of the result during the first weeks after surgery. The patient’s recovery period is short compared to other surgeries. Then the patient returns to work much faster.

When the procedure is performed, part of the sagging disappears immediately, and the rest of the result is within the first weeks after the operation

The patient recovery period is short compared to other surgeries

The patient returns to work much faster

النحت الايوني is done without surgery.

Success Journey:

It is noteworthy that Dr. Ramy El-Anany, an international plastic surgeon, has participated in training workshops in America on النحت الأيوني . With the participation of the international plastic surgeon Jacques Zamora and the inventor of these techniques, He was also a guest on the most famous international medical television program The Doctors

It is worth mentioning that the procedure takes only a few hours compared to its counterpart, and the hospital is discharged on the same day of the procedure, and upon discharge, part of the sagging disappears immediately, and the final result appears after a few weeks of the procedure, and the recovery period for the procedure is very short compared to the rest of the procedures for the condition to return To lead a normal life

The high-definition النحت الايوني technique requires a skilled doctor, as it is a very precise process that gives impressive results, but it depends mainly on a very great skill from the doctor and extensive training from the plastic surgeon to perform this type of procedure to restore the appearance of the muscular shape of the body for men and for women to restore them to a harmonious appearance And the curvilinear shape and define the features of her femininity.

ionic sculpture
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