[:ar] Dr. Ramy El-Anany, a consultant in plastic surgery and obesity and a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons – England, explains that body sculpting by breaking down fat, which was considered a dream in the past, has become a tangible reality for millions of people.

Through this technique, it is possible to remove accumulated fatty areas, which were responsive to weight loss regimens and exercise,

This technique is often used to sculpt specific areas of the body such as the neck, arms, buttocks, abdomen and sides.

It should be noted that the nature of this technique does not aim to reduce weight to the extent that affects the shape of the body, This technique is done by injecting saline water containing a local anesthetic into the areas to be sculpted.

By inserting a thin tube designed to disperse and break up fat cells,

It does not require an overnight stay in the hospital. But after that, the patient needs to wear some compression garments. Which works to tighten the skin to take the form of internal fat sculpting during a period that varies according to the type of skin and the age of the patient,

As for the result, the patient begins to notice the difference gradually during the six to eight weeks, when the swelling is gone, The skin begins to shrink gradually. The final result is visible in about the third month.

